Sabtu, 15 November 2014

So Cute

I just sit at square of my town and look ao many couple. They look so cute. Hold hand each other. Smile to each other like the world is just for they both. So happy .

Selasa, 11 November 2014


i just feeling something weird with myself, sometimes i feeling fed up with myself.. why i dont have effort? i know that i'm too lucky, i have good family , that's so matter for me. and then what? i always just waste the time. i dont do anything. i hate myself. and i ask to myself what's wrong with you. if i want, i can do anything i want. but what? i just still here.
recently i think that life is so bored, actually i made that. all bad thing is made from myself, i dont know why. i said fed up with this life, actually i made that fed up
so, now i have conversation with myself to make better myself.
wake up !!
can you do something?
can u not waste your time?
you need yourself to develop youself, not from other people
and whats my promises? my promises is that i will do something, i will not just waste the time, i will more enjoy this life.